Sustainibility @Hanse Mondial

From sustainable mobility by bus to everyday life.

Hanse Mondial GmbH is a mobility agency with bus travel as its core competence and thus naturally embodies sustainability each day. A journey by bus isn’t just a sociable event but also a sustainable alternative to other modes of transport: because anyone who chooses to take a bus trip is travelling in a particularly climate-friendly way.

With average occupancy, the bus is ahead in terms of CO2 emissions per person and kilometre!

The German Federal Environment Agency states the following:

  • Buses emit only 32g of CO2 per person and kilometre.
  • This is closely followed by trains, with 36g of CO2 emissions per person and kilometre.
  • The car, with an average 139g of CO2 emissions, is more than four times less sustainable.
  • Air travel emits 201g of CO2 per person and kilometre.

Hamburg Eco-Partnership

Since the end of September 2020, we’ve been an active member of the Hamburg Eco-Partnership (UmweltPartnerschaft Hamburg). The Eco-Partnership is an initiative of Hamburg’s business community and Senate. The aim is to achieve a sustainable, environmentally compatible approach to business.

We want to do our part to help and have worked out and implemented some important measures that help to create a sustainable environment. By joining the Eco-Partnership, we want to signal that we as a company stand for sustainable processes and an eco-friendly everyday working life. We’ll continue to constantly expand these measures in the future.


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Sustainability at Hanse Mondial

How do we implement sustainability in our everyday office life?

We want to contribute towards a more sustainable world in more ways than in our bus service. As a young company, we enjoy challenges and have from the very beginning seized the opportunity of integrating sustainable, eco-friendly measures into our everyday work.

We currently have the bronze seal in the ecovadis sustainability ratings with the aim of improving it in the next assessment in summer 2022.

In addition to this, since the end of September 2020, we’ve been a certified member of the Hamburg Eco-Partnership (UmweltPartnerschaft Hamburg).

Overview of a few measures from our everyday working life

  • We work paper-free as far as possible.
  • Invoices are sent digitally only.
  • We use eco-electricity.
  • We use only energy-saving LED light bulbs.
  • Our furniture is sustainably produced in Germany.
  • We only have drinks in glass bottles.
  • Water is available from our own water dispenser.
  • Each employee has its own glass drinking bottle.
  • Our coffee machine is certified (ISO 9001).
  • Our coffee comes from certified organic farms.
  • We work on energy-saving laptops.
  • We buy consumables from sustainable production.

However, all these measures aren't enough for us – so we're working on continually improving our performance and will be regularly updating and expanding this list.

Planting a tree with every booking

CO2 compensation

A total of 12,339 trees planted - how did we achieve this? Together with Travel & Tree, we supported a reforestation project in Tanzania from September 2021 to the end of 2023. During this period, we planted at least one tree for every booking. This way, part of the bus journey was offset, and our customers traveled even more sustainably."

Together with Travel & Tree, we support a tree project in Tanzania. Further projects are planned in the long term, including in Germany.

You can find more information on our CO2 compensation page.

Hamburg Eco-Partnership

Since the end of September 2020, we’ve been an active member of the Hamburg Eco-Partnership (UmweltPartnerschaft Hamburg). The Eco-Partnership is an initiative of Hamburg’s business community and Senate. The aim is to achieve a sustainable, environmentally compatible approach to business.

We want to do our part to help and have worked out and implemented some important measures that help to create a sustainable environment. By joining the Eco-Partnership, we want to signal that we as a company stand for sustainable processes and an eco-friendly everyday working life. We’ll continue to constantly expand these measures in the future.

Certified sustainability

Following our assessment in January 2024, we received the Bronze Medal from EcoVadis for our sustainability efforts. This means that Hanse Mondial is in the top 35% of rated companies that have been rated by EcoVadis in the last 12 months.

What do we take away from this assessment for the coming year? We have improved since the last assessment by introducing clearer policies and other measures. For example, we have implemented an advanced management system for labor and human rights, but we need to further optimize our reporting in this area. Among other things, we have not yet published a sustainability report.

Do you have any questions about sustainability at Hanse Mondial? Then get in touch with Hanna, our Manager for People, Culture & Sustainability:

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